Review of Robocroc

Robocroc (2013 TV Movie)
28 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
If not for Corin Nemec playing his character a bit tongue in cheek and all the young bikini clad women this movie would have been a waste of time in my opinion. A rocket with nanobots crashes in to a zoo and the bots get released through a rupture in the container. They infect a salt water croc in the zoo and then begins a killing rampage to get the raw materials they need to turn the croc into an armored vehicle. An ugly, shop worn Dee Wallace turns up as the Fed lead when they track the crash. She is the originator of the bots and works against any containment or kill by using her personal computer. She places no value on human lives and many are lost including many GI's. All wants is field test on her invention. Her character represents all that is wrong with obsessed, prove it at any cost scientists. Thank God there seem to be only a few arouind in real life. Anyway the colonel in charge of the military finally has enough and tries to kill it. The electrify the water and stun/kill it but ugly old Dee restores it through her computer. The croc/bots escape the zoo area and goes into a city so the colonel calls on a Puff. The croc goes underground into the sewers. Jane, zoo biologist, discovers Wallace contacting the creature. Wallace throat chops her and goes into a building, leaving Jane gasping on the ground. Wallace goes in to the sewers to look for her pet creation. Jane has recovered and follows Wallace in the sewers. The colonel has been hit by the croc and as it returns to finish him he uses grenades on the croc, Jane pushes Wallace in front of the injured machine, Corin tosses the explosive charge in to the things craw and Wallace grabs it as the thing draws it back in to a tunnel. Bang the bitch and the croc die, I guess. I mean who knows with the way they do sequels nowadays. Lord I hope they don't with this one.
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