Doctor Who: Last Christmas (2014)
Season 9, Episode 0
Dr Who does Inception
26 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Dr Who does Inception. It is a dream within a dream within a dream, and if you don't work that out 20 minutes before the cast then you are probably asleep yourself.

Keep asking "Who you gonna call?" but no-one puts in a Ghostbusters joke?

Throw in some facehuggers, but make them such blatant rip offs that you have to mention Alien to avoid a copyright infringement claim.

Stuff the posthumous Danny Pink in yet again. Why bother killing him off if he is going to still be in every episode?!

And at the end tie some nonsense knots of time loops that don't make any sense at all but give an excuse for Clara to mention a couple of more times that this is her last Christmas episode so we know her character is leaving this year.

I thought Capaldi was doing a decent job of fixing Dr Who after the poor Matt Smith years but this effort is a disappointing return to the lazy writing and shoddy stories that even he and Jenna Coleman can't save it.
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