Good TV Movie
18 December 2014
Christina Applegate is an actress I have long been a fan of, starting with a crush I had on her on my teenage years, through 'Jessie' and 'Samantha Who?' On TV or her work trying to keep up with Will Ferrell and co in the Anchorman movies 'The Sweetest Thing'

Plot In A Paragraph: Katie Wilkinson (Kathleen Rose Perkins) a New York City book editor, whose relationship with Matt Harrison (Johnathon Schaech)ends suddenly. Shortly after she receives a package from Matt, explaining if she reads what is enclosed, she will understand more about why he has behaved like he has, Katie learns about Matt's past through the diary written by Suzanne (Christina Applegate) for her unborn son Nicholas.

You can tell where this is headed, almost from the first fifteen to twenty minutes. Thanks to wonderful performances from both Christina Applegate and Kathleen Rose Perkins, plus Johnathon Schaech is OK too, but at times his acting is not on par with the ladies in the movie
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