A strange and scary movie
17 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
As many others have said, this is a bizarre and frightening movie about dictatorship in America. It is amusing that Democrats said that Hammond represented Hoover, while Republicans insisted that he resembled Franklin Roosevelt. Actually he bore much more of a resemblance to Warren G. Harding, who was a typical old time back slapping,ward heeling politician only interested in gorging himself on graft once in office. Some people have commented that the Secret Service would not have let him drive the limousine.But things were much less tightly controlled in those days.Even though his predecessor had been assassinated, Theodore Roosevelt used to walk through the streets of Washington to church every Sunday, with only one Secret Service man walking twenty feet behind!

The main misapprehension which you see even in movie reviews of this, is that Hammond "reformed".It is pretty obvious that Hammond actually DIED in that auto crash. His body was "alive" in a vegetative state, but that is all. What happened is that some supernatural being merely used his body.A spirit? An angel? The Archangel Gabriel himself? Who knows. Whatever it was, it was not human. It was totally unemotional, acting with all of the cold logic and precision of a robot. And when its work was finished, it exited the now unneeded body, which finished dying. In its cold unemotionality it was in its way even creepier than Hitler.
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