Power Rangers Megaforce (2013–2014)
A Disgrace of a Childhood Classic; Puts Power Rangers to Shame
13 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is my review of Power Rangers Megaforce. I was born in 1995 when the original series first came out and I've practically grown up with the Power Rangers. I remember very clearly during my youth how my friends and I would always play Power Rangers in our elementary school playground during recess and how I would always be asking my grandparents to buy me Power Rangers action figures as opposed to anything else. Even once I got older, I was still a devoted fan of the series, even writing my own fan-fictions in 6th and 8th Grade and continuing to watch until the end of Jungle Fury when the channel change forced me to stop watching.

With that being said, when Samurai was announced, I was very excited and left sorely disappointed upon watching the first few episodes by the mediocre acting and lack of character development despite the relatively strong plot which had a lot of potential in terms of drama that was never tapped into. When Megaforce was announced, I was at least half-way hoping and expecting that the series could potentially redeem itself with a decent season on the heels of the poorly written and acted Samurai. boy was I gob smacked. This season has got to be the worst in Power Rangers history and that is me being generous !. To put it in perspective, if all of the Power Ranger seasons were gemstones, this season is a lump of coal that makes Turbo look like a diamond and that is seriously saying something. There are a number of reasons why I feel this way.

First off, the characters presented by this season WERE THE EXACT SAME ONES WE SAW IN SAMURAI !. There is next to no difference between them !. Its like when they were writing, the writers and producers said ''Lets just keep these characters as close to the ones of the previous season so no one is confused'' !. The only difference is that the Red Ranger is a bit more ''mysterious'' than the previous one, an aspect which is very poorly acted, and apart from the change from a Green to a Black Ranger, there was almost no effort placed into giving this season any distinguishing features in terms of character writing. I could write a better team of characters than this with my eyes closed !

The second reason and this is the real kicker for me personally, the acting is PATHETIC !, I mean really pathetic !. None of the actors in this season had any chemistry on set and their interactions seem very forced and childish, almost as if they cannot get enough into character, (then again, they probably can't since the characters are so poorly written). The acting in this season is so bad, its like someone is telling the actors to remember this is a kids show and to not scare them. The target audience here is exposed to more graphic violence whilst in school than they are from a TV series, I don't think seeing some effort would be too much of a risk.

The third reason is that like Samurai, this series had potential and that potential was destroyed by the writers and producers. If perhaps they did away with the stupid name Megaforce which sounds stupid enough on its own, let alone saying Power Rangers with it. Its like the writers either got really desperate or were just playing around with words and used whatever came to mind. The whole plot line was brilliant, an alien invasion has been used before in earlier seasons and with some decent special effects, good writing and acting, it could have been brilliantly done. However, this season was doomed due to the production company's dumbing down for a juvenile audience who can very well take this kind of stuff. This season was so poorly acted and written out that I don't personally consider it to be an official Power Rangers series, its that poor. This is not including the fact that they used the exact same morphing call, the exact same theme song with minor differences and took no creative licenses.

In conclusion, Megaforce is a disgrace to Power Rangers and I hope the production company does Dino Charge some real justice next year because it has potential. With the kind of cast they have, featuring various ethnicities, it looks like they have at least wised up a little bit with casting. However, if they fall on the same mistakes that they did with these past seasons, I'd rather see Power Rangers be cancelled and go out with some honor rather than continuing to be mutilated like it has been.
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