One of the Better Horror Sequels Ever Made
13 December 2014
With a somewhat intelligent plot, some amazing special effects, its own theme song, and some good actors, Dream Warriors sees the remaining kids of Elm Street banding together in a hospital setting to battle and defeat Freddy Kreuger. This movie is barely horror, more like an action/thriller. It focuses a lot more on the human characters working to defeat Freddy rather than Freddy stalking the protagonist. So as a film, it feels solid even outside of a slasher series (which I barely want to call this film. It may have the villain of a slasher, but it's like saying Hellraiser is a slasher film...it's hard to justify when there's an insistence not on murder in mundane settings but special effects and plot).

There are some great, cheesy special effects that really help add a creepy air to the film.

If you haven't checked this one out yet, I'd suggest you do, even if you're not into slasher films or horror movies the effects and horror won't be quite as effective to a modern audience and serves much better as entertainment.
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