Friends: The One with the Bullies (1996)
Season 2, Episode 21
Another Excellent Episode
12 December 2014
Another brilliant episode with Matthew Perry taking centre stage.

Plot In A Paragraph: Chandler and Ross encounter some bullies who tell them to stay away from Central Perk, if they don't want to be beat up. Meanwhile Phoebe decides to go and see her father again, this time with Joey and Rachel for support, however they don't count on getting trapped in her Taxi by a vicious dog. And Monica gambles the last of her money on the stock market when she sees a company with her initials.

The Chandler and Ross Part was funny and the Phoebe Vs The Dog had laugh out loud moments too. Matthew Perry has really hit his stride in the back end of this second season. Actually the show has hit it's stride with several excellent episodes coming after each other.
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