biggest letdown ever :(
11 December 2014
Movie is so bad it made me write a review!!!

There is only one strong moment in this movie and it is the White council fight in Dol Guldur. This is epic and somehow similar as the books.

Otherwise the movie is complete failure and it rapes Tolkien's book. 1. Tauriel and Fili subplot is so out of place that people in cinema exchanged stares. 2. Whole script is written by a five year old. It just doesn't make any sense, many things needed for plot appeared out of nowhere - bell, chamois, Orc command post and so on. How armies from around 100 miles got to the mountain in one day... 3. fight sequences are like from matrix combined with really bad computer game. choreography and lucky accidents are extremely unrealistic. Ninja Legolas made some people in cinema burst into laughter (and me to tears of desperation) 4. The movie isn't based on book. It isn't even loosely based on it. It is like World War Z - only the title and few scenes are the same.

Sorry for my English, I just had to get my frustration out...
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