Star Trek: The Next Generation: Genesis (1994)
Season 7, Episode 19
We're Toast Anyway, so What the Heck?
9 December 2014
The title says it all for me. These guys know that the "powers that be" do not want to pay the high salaries of seven year veterans for another season, that they can go cheaper with "Deep Space 9" and the soon-to-be-released "Voyager." So, with the light at the end of the tunnel, why worry? The series has been picked up for a full season, and it's too late to cancel the six episodes that remain.

Let the makeup people have some fun. Cut back on the writing talent, and above all, just shelve the science books for a week. Maybe this episode with pick up a cult following like the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" or something.

Better yet, while the first and second seasons were really not that hot, STTNG has never really made a total stinker like Voyager will do with "Threshold," or STTOS did with "Spock's Brain," among others. So it's time to make one so horrible, it will be remembered forever.

Except I had forgotten it. My wife remembered bits and pieces, though it was scrambled. She though that Troi would turn into a spider (she didn't; someone else did), so I'm sure we had seen it together. But my subconscious, protecting me, had erased it totally from my memory, but after watching it a second time, said, "Sorry, Bud. This time you have to live with the memory forever." So here I am.

But it's not the end of the world for me. I actually dozed off in my chair for about 5-7 minutes of the story, and had to ask my wife what had happened.

So many STTNG episodes will be with me forever, treasured and watched again. But I have marked this one mentally. I will never watch "Genesis" again. I would watch "Spock's Brain" first.
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