Relic Hunter: Wages of Sydney (2001)
Season 3, Episode 1
The Dragon Egg
9 December 2014
A Chinese alchemist builds a Dragon Egg, a device filled with an explosive liquid, designed to surprise an enemy. Something must not have worked out, because centuries later, Sydney Fox still has the opportunity to find the egg in one piece. A rival relic hunter steals the map from her, Nigel realizes this is a bad start („China is a lot bigger than Chinatown") and the chase is on. When Nigel and Sydney arrive in China, their rival is in prison and has lost the map to dangerous local villains...

In this first episode of season 3, we are introduced to Karen (Tanja Reichert) replacing Claudia. Since Lindy Booth didn't get a farewell scene, just a brief comment („she got a dream job in New York"), probably a casting decision made at the eleventh hour. Fortunately, Karen did not become a mere copy of Claudia, but a different character, definitely much brighter, and she contributed a lot to the last season of the show. She exposes her two big talents already here - I mean, persuasiveness and adaptability, of course.
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