Enough to satisfy the most enthusiastic lover of melodrama
26 November 2014
A picture from the Selig studio which contains a moral lesson, along with some good dramatic development and good acting. It is a re- statement of the same old story of a country girl's infatuation for a city man and the arrival at the verge of destruction before she is made aware, or believes in her danger. This story has been told many times before, but it is perennial and is always interesting, though perhaps life must be put into it to retain the interest at the full strength. The most that can be said in favor of this is that it undoubtedly illustrates a phase of life which is much too accurate to be comfortable and which leaves in the mind of those who see it a lingering doubt as to the standards of morality which seem to be now in control. In the main the story is well told, and the dramatic climax, when the girl realizes how she has been deceived and her former lover appears and tumbles the villain onto the floor of the car and orders the frightened chauffeur to drive the other way, is thrilling enough to satisfy the most enthusiastic lover of melodrama. Technically the film is good and the general presentation of the picture is quite pleasing. – The Moving Picture World, July 3, 1909
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