Didn't See this one Coming...
25 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Every year, a few weeks before the Oscars, a movie theater nearby me shows the nominees for the best animated shorts this year, along with a few highly commended ones. This last year, yet another one of those Gruffalo animations was nominated, this one admittedly more tolerable than the first two, was dull and I just didn't think I deserved to be nominated, kids don't need this overly repetitive storyline. Anyway, my point is that I really didn't want to have to sit through another story like that.

So after the nominees, then started the highly commended ones, and if memory serves, The Missing Scarf was the first one. The thing that immediately put me off was the animation, very flat and colorful except for the squirrel of course, and paired with the cheerful music, I thought it might be some sort of ad for Google, considering it was a similar style. When I realized that this was going to be another Gruffalo like story, I groaned, and sadly waited the story out, and I'm glad I did. I won't spoil much, but at a certain point, the film takes a very dark but hilarious turn, which completely caught me off guard. The very end will just make you say "What?" and "Wow." and thats pretty much it. The world has done so many things now that are shocking that me and most of society have become jaded by all of it, so for something to genuinely surprise me clever wit and humor, it really is something. Also there's George Takei. 10/10
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