The Frame (2014)
23 November 2014
Mesmerizing and hypnotic.

The soundtrack is a crucial part of the film and tells part of the story, not in words but by eliciting emotion and strong but subtle empathy. The only way to achieve that level of intricacy is to do what the director did; write the soundtrack as the story was written and filmed.

I really liked Ink and was impressed what Winans did with a micro budget. There is a tie-in or signature from Ink and it may show up in later films.

I really hope Winans retains the style and not bound by a production company. As for the film; original, artistic, surreal and romantic. It's something that will leave its mark on you.

In its genre and as an art house film, I give this an 8. No films are on equal playing fields or genres.

I consider a 7 to be the magic number of "must see" but not necessarily award winning material.

An 8 is for movies that leave a lasting impression, not just for entertainment.

Where/how to watch it: You can purchase directly from the site for $8. This includes the soundtrack. They have various packages and you can donate as well. I would be glad to help support Winans future films.

$8 to own it including the soundtrack? It usually costs me $60 to see a film with my daughters when you add everything up.

Great movie.
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