Some predictable moments ruined this sweet little flick!
23 November 2014
This short movie (about 75 minutes) takes place mostly on the 34th floor office of a law firm called RBE. The protagonist Thomas is a paralegal who is fired from his job for releasing some information in a law-brief. On his exit from the building he notices an exchange of a briefcase between two men and he follows one of them back to his office. What ensues next is a cat and mouse game between him and the intruder who turns out to be a contract-killer.

The first ten minutes of the movie lets us think that Thomas is a loser with a smart girlfriend and then moves to show that Thomas is not as dumb as he is meant to be. The plot twists in the movie are fairly predictable with some small plot holes which diluted the energy of the movie for me but not enough to stop me from watching it till the end (saw it on its TV premiere). A major twist in the end left me unhappy wondering about futility of doing the right thing. JJ Fields who plays the killer is a fairly unknown actor and he does a great job in his role. For some reason he kept reminding me of Hiddleston's Loki. :( Christian Clemenson (the laywer/attorney with Asperger's syndrome in the TV show 'Boston Legal') is the senior partner who is also stuck in the office. You have the mandatory 'hold-the-girl-friend-as-hostage' scenario at the end of the movie which was my real sore point with NSFW.

However, this is a good time pass if you have nothing else to watch on TV.
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