Why are we being so quiet?
21 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
There's a girl running through the woods, panicked, beaten, with a leash around her neck, and begging for forgiveness. We hear growls, and the louder they get, the more panic overcomes this girl. Something unseen creeps up on her, and violence ensues. Death becomes her.....

This is a story about a young lady named Janey, a girl with a painful past, who was sentenced to a month at a retreat for behavioral modification. Upon arrival at the camp she meets Dr. Prince. He immediately comes across as a prick as he explains her the rules: NO TALKING, NO HAND GESTURES, NO PHONES, NO EYE CONTACT. NO MORE THAN 5 GIRLS CAN BE UNDER THEIR CARE AT A TIME. We already know from the opening that something more awaits the girls in the darkness of the woods surrounding camp, but what role does the Dr play, with the help of his only employees, his 2 sons Albert and Paul? She is settled in and her "treatment" begins.

As the girls begin to rebel, with Janey's influence, we meet Alexis. Together, Alexis and Janey are determined to get down to the root of the real purpose for the camp. As they begin snooping and spying, and some vomit inducing trickery, we soon find out the real Purpose of the camp. It's not to reform bad girls. It's not to teach them any skills, so don't expect to see any of the girls earning their badge for wicker weaving either. There's a deeper, darker bit of mind fuckery going on here.

What is this fuckery I speak of? I'm glad you asked. Come to find out, the judge that sentenced the girls to the camp is the brother of Dr Prince. They have this bible thumping fanatical idea of how women should carry themselves. It is their life's goal to break these girls down, through intense and drug induced brainwashing, turning into voiceless, weak, perfectly obedient wives, and the ones that fail the treatment test are sacrificed to what lurks in the woods. The ones to succeed will be their brides, only none thus far have been able to be completely broken down, and ultimately become dinner to the thing hiding in the woods.

Will Janey, Alexis, and the other 3 girls overcome the Prince family's tactics, and escape their horrible fate? Will they escape the thing in the woods that lurks around the camp borders? You will have to watch and find out. There were some slow moments in the film but it makes up with a twisted tale and a nice amount of guts and gore leading into the films climax. I enjoyed watching Silent Retreat, and I think many of you may too.
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