The second part and mostly satisfying conclusion to the Klingon war for succession.
20 November 2014
In the previous episode, the evil and honorless family of Duras has brought forth some pipsqueak to challenge for leadership of the Klingons. However, Gowron has the clear title and it's up to Picard to designate him so they can declare his succession. However, Picard is in a bad position--as the faction supporting the pretender are likely led by the Romulans who are seeking a chance to divide the Empire from the Federation. When the episode ends, Gowron is made leader--and the war for succession begins. In this war, Worf throws in his support for Gowron with the promise that his family honor will be restored. And, in the final (and really STUPID) final scene, you learn that indeed the Romulans are masterminding all this.

As a result of his divided loyalties to the Empire and Federation, Worf must choose whether to follow Gowron or remain a Federation officer. Picard rightfully cannot allow the Federation to become involved in the civil war--and Worf's resignation is pretty much a given. But Picard is NOT behind doing nothing and tries to create a blockade to keep Romulan ships away from Klingon space.

During his time serving aboard a Klingon ship, Worf has a real eye- opening experience watching the stupidity and wastefulness of the Klingons. They'd rather spend all their time punching each other in the face and drinking instead of creating any real strategy. This, combined with Romulan help, explains why Gowron is doing so badly in this civil war. Eventually, the Duras sisters kidnap him and propose Worf changes sides--and considering what idiots he's serving with, the offer seems pretty good!

At the same time, Data, Riker and LaForge are given temporary command of ships that all are helping enforce the blockade. Data has the most trouble, as his first officer is insubordinate and I really, really wanted Data to handle it the way a Klingon officer should! And, overall, Data does an amazing job as Captain of his first ship.

And, for the REALLY dumb plot, Tasha Yar's daughter, Sela, is in charge of the Romulan interventions in the civil war. Picard arranges to meet with her and they snarl and posture a lot...especially Sela.

So what's to come of all these plots? And what's the final outcome of the war? Well, see the show and see all these questions answered.

Normally I love Klingon episodes and there is a lot of action in this one--which I love. I also love how Worf's naiveté about his fellow Klingons is exposed. But, I hated how Denise Crosby was re-introduced into the show. It seemed incredibly contrived and silly. I just wish that the writers had instead made her character Tasha Yar interesting in the first place instead of trying to reinvent her with a bizarro Moe Howard blonde wig and a ridiculous back story. Well done but clearly flawed.
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