19 Kids and Counting (2008–2015)
Perfect for those who love discrimination served with a smile!
18 November 2014
Possibly one of the worst shows on television today, 19 Kids and Counting is perfect for those looking for your daily dose of discrimination that is already prevalent in modern America today!

Unlike most trashy television shows that market themselves as, well trashy television shows, 19 Kids and Counting attempts to slap on a "family friendly" vibe but ultimately fails in covering up their numerous flaws. From their blatantly sexist views to the rather disgusting white-knighting that is reminiscent of the imperialistic tendencies of the West in the late 19th/early 20th century, the Duggars manage to cover nearly every form of discrimination that mankind has discovered all while touting themselves as a "wholesome" family. The fact that there has been such little public backlash against this show is rather alarming and, unfortunately a sad reflection of our country today. I guess if you're white, middle- class, Christian and smile creepily at the camera, everything's A- okay. Hopefully this show will be taken off air soon and TLC might even go back to trying to educate people. But I wouldn't hold my breath.

If I am to be honest though, I have learned one very important thing from this show; that I am extremely lucky. This show has made me so thankful that I have a father that trusts me, respects me as much as my brother, stays out of my sex life, and has supported pretty much every professional endeavor I have attempted instead of demanding I get married before 25 and start popping out babies. Thanks a million dad.

Additionally, I know I should not criticize appearances but Jim Bob's lack of eyebrows drives me crazy. Where are they??
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