High Maintenance (2012–2015)
This is the future
15 November 2014
Every episode I watch I get more excited about this show. From a filmmaking point of view, it's obviously filmed on a budget (compared to other shows) and is absolutely top-notch. Direction, photography, acting, writing. All up there with the best.

From an audience point of view, I couldn't be getting more pleasure from it right now. Every episode contains a new, different, well- rounded story with interesting characters and situations, which is incredible considering the time-limit they have to create them!

Now Vimeo has started their On-Demand service and placed this as their lead show, this is where i'm starting to get really excited. I've paid for the new season and consider it one of the best purchases I've ever made. Seriously, ever. For the price of a couple of coffees there's so much content. In a world in which our attention-spans are getting shorter and shorter (just look at vine taking over phones and facebook), I'll admit that when I'm looking to chill after a long day, or even on the train to work, the appeal of 15 minutes, rather than a season of 10 hour long episodes, is really enticing.

Don't get me wrong, these short-shows won't be replacing anything bigger any time soon, but when talented people like this are getting paid to make incredible content for the internet, I wouldn't be surprised if TV as we know it will be dead in 10 to 20 years time.
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