perfect ode to the sci-fi horror flicks from the fifties
18 November 2014
Okay, people will be divided when they watched this flick. First of all it's spoken in German and in particularly in Bavarian. So some my turn their face away when hearing this. On the other hand it's been subtitled in English and I must say that there are almost no mistakes in the subs because sometimes German flicks do have weird English subs. The other reason why people don't like it is because it looks like a flick from the fifties. And that means, a lot of blah blah before things go wrong.

If you can stand both then you will actually like this flick. Myself not fund of fifties sci-fi and horror flicks did actually like it because when the aliens do walk amongst humans it do offer some gory moments.

You don't want to watch it for the acting because it's a bit stiff and naturally when some actors are trying to talk English it becomes a bit funny.

As I said earlier, the effects for such a independent were rather good. The aliens do look frightening and the opening sequence did offer some gory effects. Once the aliens walk it's all done by the actors itself but I can't say that I saw how they did some affects nd that's rather good (ofcourse I know but you can't tell).

Indeed not for all horror buffs walking this earth, just for those who do like the fifties. Sure, some scene's are a bit too long (the bar for example) but it do have it's moments here and there.

Gore 1/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 3/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
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