Impact Point (2008)
Lame stalker outing
15 November 2014
IMPACT POINT is a below-par stalker movie that sees former BEVERLY HILLS 90210 star Brian Austin Green playing an obsessed fan who ends up stalking a volleyball star. The movie has TV-level production values throughout and singularly fails to impress thanks to a lack of skill and talent on the part of those involved in the making of it.

The problems with this movie are myriad, but here are a few: first, the volleyball scenes. Volleyball seems to me to be a sport aimed solely at male viewers who can enjoy bikini-clad women bouncing about in the sand and, sure enough, we get tons of those slow-mo shots here; so many in fact that I'm surprised the director was a woman. In any case, such scenes come across as filler and are completely unappetising. Similarly, an attempt at a 'hot' sex scene feels like something from one of those '90s-era sub-par Shannon Tweed movies.

Secondly, the narrative is routine. There's little to no suspense in the stalking plot, apart from in a couple of short chase sequences. The acting is pretty awful, with Green failing to build a presence as the villain and Melissa Keller a completely unworthy object of his obsession. Instead, the film-makers seem determined to get as much product placement in their movie as they can, particularly from Coca Cola. There's not much in the way of violence to speak of either, so this is a disappointment through and through. My favourite stalker movie thus far is the excellent TV movie STALKING LAURA, based on a true story and starring Richard Thomas - go check that one out if you haven't already.
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