McHale's Navy: McHale and His Jet Set (1964)
Season 3, Episode 12
Parker is set to inherit a million dollars.
13 November 2014
Ensign Parker gets a letter from home advising that his aunt has passed away and that he is a heir to the estate. And in the papers it says that the amount of the estate is over one million dollars. Parker has become an instant millionaire.

About this time Binghamton has come across some property in New Caledonia that he is thinking about purchasing if he only had the money. When he learns that Parker is set to inherit his aunt's estate, all of the sudden Binghamton becomes a father-like figure to Parker. Binghamton gets the idea that Parker will loan him the $20,000 he needs for the property, so he goes to New Caledonia and signs an IOU for the land.

Later we find out that Parker has not inherited the money but some bird-watching gear. Binghamton is going to be in hot water when the man with his IOU, Fair Pierre, comes to collect. But McHale has a plan to keep the Captain out of the brig.

There is nothing wrong with the script. In fact, the last part of the show was very well written and performed. The story was obvious early in the broadcast but there was plenty of excitement as we waited for the conclusion. It was an entertaining episode that did not go overboard, like some of the show, in production. An enjoyable show.
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