Ax 'Em (1992)
Nearly unwatchable!
9 November 2014
This is likely the most stupid, incoherent, boring, predictable, clichéd, poorly-made "movie" I have ever seen. It does nothing right! The opening title cards that describe the back story of the film aren't even done write, as they are studded with poor grammar and even a few spelling errors.

The movie's 'plot' is the same as hundreds of other slasher movies before and since; a group of friends go camping, and are then stalked by an insane killer who picks them off one-by-one.

The audio is extremely poor. You can't understand half of what the characters are saying, plus it is nearly impossible to figure out any of their names.

Also, there are some serious errors in film making, including one scene where you can clearly hear the director shouting "cut" at the end of the scene, another scene where a crew member is scene with a film slate in the background, and another where you can both hear the camera crew talking, and even see their shadows! Terrible.

The only redeeming feature of this film were the unintentional laughs it produced, but that wasn't enough to compensate for the terrible boredom I felt during this movie.

1/10 stars.
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