Chester Morris meets a woman of mystery...
9 November 2014
Chester Morris plays Jimmy Donlin, a taxi driver who is about to buy some cabs of his own when he picks up a woman who appears to be a runaway society bride (Fay Wray as Mary Trenton), complete with wedding gown. Before you get to thinking this is a retread of "It Happened One Night", think again. Mary turns out to be quite a woman of mystery. Like the home-made spaghetti that she makes at Jimmy's apartment while she is in hiding, her story unravels slowly, often with facts revealed by others forcing her to tell the truth. For example Jimmy meets the REAL society bride Mary claims to be - she admits to being just a model who was modeling the gown for the real society bride. She claims she is hiding and running because the wealthy family thought she stole a string of pearls. Then a string of pearls falls out of the hem of the wedding dress she was wearing when Jimmy found her - Mary says she knows nothing about it. Other revelations appear, and each time Mary tells Jimmy - "I didn't know if I could trust you at first, but I know I can now".

So who stole the pearls and stashed them in Mary's dress, or is Mary even telling the truth in the first place?. There are other characters that make good suspects such as a society column writer who seems very anxious to help Jimmy and Mary -why??? Then there is Jimmy's pal Fingers who did a prison term for pickpocketing and still likes to pickpocket from friends just to keep in practice - he always gives the loot back. Were the pearls just too much of a temptation for him to not give back? Watch and find out.

This is a fast paced little mystery with a likable cast and I highly recommend it.
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