The L Word: Lexington and Concord (2007)
Season 4, Episode 8
My awesome bedspread
6 November 2014
This show has become strangely addicting. It doesn't have the best writing and sometimes the scenarios make you roll your eyes and seem quite contrived, but it's got a lot of characters that you love or hate (ugh Jenny). If a show is able to elicit an emotion (positive or negative), that makes it a good show I guess. The main reason I wanted to write this review though is because when Kit and Papi are in bed together I noticed that Papi TOTALLY HAS THE SAME EXACT IKEA BEDSPREAD THAT I DO. The set department definitely furnishes with Ikea stuff. It's a really nice bedspread. It's pink with stripes. It was a really cool sensation to see it in a show, almost like seeing a friend I recognized. In fact I'd say that that was the closest I've ever come to recognizing a familiar face in a movie or a TV show. I don't know if that makes me cool or pathetic, but whatever. I like my bedspread and I respect the creators of this show all the more for their excellent taste.
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