Ouija (II) (2014)
Definitely don't waste your money.. No big spoilers but I figured I'd tag it anyways.
5 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm giving it a 3 because of a few interesting shots and a couple of well- played jump scares.. and that's all there is in this movie is jump scares.. The "twist" ending in this film has been done about a million times in horror movies and TV shows and was done better in probably all of them. I have absolutely no idea how anyone could possibly be giving this a rating above a 5 unless they've never watched a good horror film ever... It's full of clichés and they're done in a totally serious tone, not in a playful homage kind of way. The acting is wooden all around, even from Olivia Cooke who was quite good in "The Quiet Ones"(which wasn't exactly a classic either but MUCH better then this turd.) Shelley Hennig was lovely as always, and a bright shining light in this black hole, but unfortunately she's only in the movie a total of 6 minutes maybe. Don't waste theater ticket money to see this awful movie, in fact I wouldn't pay to see it even from Redbox, but if you decide not to heed my advice at least wait til it's out for rental...
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