Sturdy adults only crime thriller
3 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Luscious young brunette Laura (nicely played with considerable pluck by fetching and shapely brunette Elizabeth Bing) runs away from home after she is raped by some creep. Laura goes to Los Angeles and hooks up with her drug peddling Aunt Mary. When that doesn't work out, Laura leaves and joins a call girl racket run by the mysterious Schneider (a pleasingly slimy portrayal by Vincent Van Lynn). However, things go awry after Laura discovers Schneider's dark secret and then finds herself the unwanted target of a lethal sniper. Writer/director Barry Mahon keeps the enjoyably seamy story moving along at a snappy pace, gives this picture a grimy noir vibe, populates the eventful plot with a rich rogues' gallery of colorful lowlife characters, and delivers a handy helping of both tasty female nudity and foxy babes in skimpy lingerie. William Hennigar's stark and grainy black and white cinematography provides a suitably seedy look. The groovy free-form jazz score does the funky bumping trick. A solid and sordid outing.
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