The Mentalist: Flame Red (2008)
Season 1, Episode 9
Love this episode
31 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is one you have to watch. The entire cast does a great job, Jane solves the crime, as usual, finding the unlikely culprit. The reason for my review is Fred Koehler. According to his bio, he's been in numerous shows, staring in Kate and Ally when he was only 9 (didn't watch series so don't know about his role), but this is the first time I sat up and paid attention to him. The scene in the interview room between him and Jane was outstanding. You had no idea what Jane was trying to accomplish here with this mentally challenged character. The slow transformation on Koehler's face when Jane finally gets him to break is simply amazing. He did it all just with the expression in his eyes . . . Unbelievable acting! I have never forgotten Koehler's performance in this episode and every time I see him in a different show, I say, "Oh, yeah. That's the guy from the Mentalists!" I don't know if Fred Koehler won an award for his performance, but he certainly deserved one. Simply great, unforgettable episode. Kudos to all involved in bringing it to air.
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