Review of Birthday Boy

Birthday Boy (2004)
It was a good short film
29 October 2014
Birthday boy from Australia sajrong park the director made a film about a young boy in the middle of a war crises.the film is quiet a interesting film and some of the technics really imprest me like how there was a quick change, when the train scene had came and another technic that impressed me was how they mixed the heart beat and the train noise together.i think that the symbolise in the movie where relevant to the movie like how there was a butterfly in the beginning and it was the only colourful thing in the movie and that flayed away.another smart thing in the movie is that the perspective like omniscient that means the all seeing like how in the beginning the camera was at birds eye and then came to eye level view this shows that nether a bird or a plane can do this and it is possible his fathers spirt
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