Review of Deadwood

Deadwood: Deadwood (2004)
Season 1, Episode 1
Maybe the crudest 'slice of life' TV series broadcast .
27 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoiler/plot- Deadwood, 2004. Follows the intrigue and biographys of the colonization of the frontier town called 'Deadwood' on the Indian treaty territorial area of the 'Black Hills' Dakota. Gold was discovered in 1876 just after the US centennial and General Custer massacre.

*Special Stars- Timothy Olyphant, Ian Mcshane, Molly Parker, Brad Dourif, W. Earl Brown, John Hawkes. Paula Malcomson, Daton Callie, William Sanderson, Robin Weigart, Jim Beaver, Jeffrey Jones.

*Theme- People will do almost anything for wealth and security.

*Trivia/location/goofs- HBO TV mini series. Most of the characters (Al Swearengen, Sol Star, Reverend Smith, the Metz family, et. al., in addition to the more famous Wild Bill Hickock, Calamity Jane, and Jack McCall, ) have real-life counterparts. The word "fuck" and its derivatives are used 2,980 times throughout the series. The series takes place from 1876 to 1877. George Hearst was the father of William Randolph Hearst, the famous newspaperman on whom Citizen Kane (Citizen Kane (1941)) was based, and the great-grandfather of Patricia Hearst. When Hearst tells Merrick that he will start his own newspaper in Deadwood to tell lies for his side, it is a reference to the fact that W. R. Hearst is largely credited with the creation of the concept of "yellow journalism" and the use of his own newspapers to shape and even create political and social opinion and actual events. The most famous example of this was what many historians characterize as W. R. Hearst's whole cloth creation of the Spanish-American War through his newspapers' inflammatory and lucrative headlines. Goofs: Episode 1: A portion of blacktop highway and guard railing is visible behind Hickock's wagon as it descends the hill into Deadwood. At one point, Starr tells Bullock: "Your fly is down". In 1876, trousers had buttons, not zippers. Bullock's fly would have been "open" or "closed", not "up" or "down".

*Emotion- Maybe the crudest 'slice of life' TV series broadcast in many years. Between the crude situations, language, and social actions, this show made it's mark on TV with it's historic sets, costuming, dialogue, and depictions.

*Based On- Many biographys and history of the townspeople of 'Deadwood' town in 1870's.
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