Doctor Who: Flatline (2014)
Season 8, Episode 9
Who on Earth is off the wall?
27 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This episode had practically all the elements of a Who story. But I didn't find it that captivating. Not that there was anything particularly wrong with it.

I think I've just fooled myself into the belief that Who should be something that it isn't. The show keeps returning to Earth, and it just feels less and less believable (I know, I know it's a kids show).

I quite liked the self-mocking and fictional blurring of the Robin Hood episode, that was quite clever. But given all of time and space would the Doctor really want to continually revisit present day-ish little England and the Welsh borders?

I'm happy to stare into Clara's eyes and have the Doctor spout facts about the Tardis. But every episode I'm left wanting a great Sci-fi show, and all I get back is the odd glimmer. At this point in the series, I still don't have that much of a feel for who the 12th Doctor is.
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