Boardwalk Empire: Eldorado (2014)
Season 5, Episode 8
"I... am not seeking..... forgiveness."
26 October 2014
What a terrific finale to a terrific series. Boardwalk Empire has always been one of those rare shows to contain all the elements of what makes a superb television series; the excellent acting, the terrific storytelling, the emotionally captivating characters, stunning cinematography, the list honestly goes on, and the series thankfully sustained that mark of quality until this great finale.

The way everything came full circle was brilliantly handled, and the resolutions with each character was presented in a very satisfying way, especially with Nucky Thompson.

I could not recommend this series more. Please do not listen to those who have complained that this final season was a disappointment, if anything, that could be not farther from the truth. If you're new to the series, you will not be disappointed. One of television's finest dramas has concluded, but it was presented in the most satisfying was imaginable.

You won't be disappointed.
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