Philip Seymour Hoffman. Last Film
24 October 2014
It is good spy thriller film. John le Carré book A most wanted man which is inspire from real life man Murat Kurnaz who is arrested and stay in prison for 5 year with no evidence he involve in terrorism but the stupid CIA torture him with no reason. Issa is the Murat Kurnaz character but the book story in change. Philip Seymour Hoffman performance is just superb. the real guy i film. well the film is slow and the starting is pretty slow. well than it gain is potential. The American involvement in the film make it more great. If you love Spy film you definitely watch this film. Well the film move around 9/11 movement. Well the Muslim are not terrorist well the film give the message in complex way. It is little bit complex and with good story and dark element. GReat Spy Thriller 8 Philip Seymour Hoffman well last performance.
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