Review of Left Behind

Left Behind (I) (2014)
What a horrific waste of time this movie was!
24 October 2014
All the acting was bad, the soundtrack/music was terrible, the effects were sub par and every single minute of this film was a waste of my time. 'This is the end' was more entertaining and conveyed the message better. 'Left Behind' is an atrocity and a crime against mankind.

I cannot believe Nick Cage did a film this bad. I used to like him but damn he's hit rock bottom with this. I only wrote this line to fill the quota. But I just have to say: DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE. It was worse then a SyFy flick. 1 star for Nick and 1 for Chad for caring enough to show up and shoot this film. As for why? I really don't know. I truly believe this might be the worst movie I've seen in years. I can't remember seeing a movie this bad. I saw the World War Z mockbuster, can't remember the name, that was bad but I watched it with a friend with the sole purpose of seeing a bad movie and making fun of it.

Maybe the movie sounded better on paper, like in the script, but the execution of it was a total fail. Please just stay away and save yourself what limited time we have to live on this Earth. Save those 1:30mins for ANYTHING ELSE.

(If you agree and practically hated the movie, please 'like' this so that others might be saved and my sacrifice wasn't for nothing. Please.)
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