Review of Layover

Layover (I) (2014)
Story about someone's layover in LA
14 October 2014
During the last half-century, I have enjoyed movies as a form of entertainment like everyone else. Up until the last year, I did not even understand how they were made, or what went on behind the scenes. By recently joining Twitter and getting lucky in becoming aware of many industry professionals, my eyes have been opened and my mind expanded in ways that still surprise me. Instead of just watching a movie play out and then liking or not liking it and moving on, I now have a little bit more knowledge of the incredible dance that goes into a movie and the results of professionals trying to express an idea or concept for us to consume. For the first time in my life, I have considered what it takes to make a film, to write a story, to produce something for the public consumption. The more I learn, the more I am aware of how little I know.

In short, the movie is about what happens during a women's twelve hour layover in LA on the way to meet her boyfriend in Singapore. The storyline was tight and focused on the task at hand. There were the flavor of intimacy with hand-held shots and a focus on the characters rather than the background. I enjoyed it and would easily recommend it to friends.

The one aspect of the film that really makes it stand out above many others is that it was created on ~$6K budget. That was no typo. In a couple months of production. If I did not know this, I would have assumed that it was another big $$$ feature film. The fact Joshua Caldwell and his team put this together such a quality film is a testament to skills and professionalism of the cast and crew. Big $$$ and or explosions and or *lots* of special effects. etc. do not guarantee a successful endeavor. The quality of writing, the talent in front of and behind of the camera make for a pleasing experience.
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