Review of Backfire

The Whistler: Backfire (1954)
Season 1, Episode 3
A Hit and A Miss
14 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
THE WHISTLER – Backfire –1954

This is episode 3 from the 39 episode run of, THE WHISTLER television series. The series ran during 1954 and 1955. It is based on the popular radio and film series of the same name. Each episode begins with the sound of footsteps and a person whistling. The episodes followed the same formula, in that someone's criminal acts were undone, either by an overlooked detail, or by their own stupidity. During the episodes, the Whistler himself narrated, often commenting directly upon the action.

Lon Chaney Jr. is an ex con who is hired by wealthy business type, Dayton Lummis, to be a chauffeur for Lummis' wife, Dorothy Green. Lummis is out of town on business quite often and does not like Green to be alone.

Everything seems to go smooth till Chaney starts to take a shine to Green. Whenever Lummis is out on business, Green has Chaney go with her to high end clubs for drinks and a bit of dancing. Chaney takes this as Green is likewise interested in him. Chaney is somewhat shattered, when he discovers that Green is just using him as cover while she steps out with one of the club band members.

Chaney stews on this, and decides to get even with Green somehow. He decides to hint to Lummis that maybe the wife is stepping out on him. This goes with rumors Lummis had heard at the office about Green. A big argument happens, that the staff, Chaney and the maid, Dot Neumann, can't help but overhear.

Green leaves in a huff and drives off. The next day Chaney takes the car in for service. He has a plan grinding away in his head. The service man takes a record of the mileage. That evening after Green has driven off to see her lover. Chaney takes a fireplace poker and gives hubby Lummis more than a few whacks to the head. He leaves the stiff in the study. He waits for Green to return that night and then hits the car and rolls back the mileage.

The next morning, the maid finds Lummis in the study. The Police are called and Miss Green is grabbed up as the main suspect. She says she went out driving that evening. Chaney says he was the only one to drive the car. "Check the mileage." He says there is only enough on it to prove it came from the service station to the house. The Police do just that and slam the cuffs on Green. The maid has also told the Police about the loud argument. Chaney has a big grin on as he returns to his rooms.

The next morning the Police show up again. They have a few questions for Chaney. It seems that there had been a hit and run the day before several blocks away. The person hit had died. Witnesses had gotten the number of the car and it was traced here. A check of the bumper had found all the evidence they needed. Since Chaney has stated that he was the only one to drive the car, he is grabbed up as the driver. The perfect plan has come unglued. Even though it was Green who had the hit and run, Chaney cannot claim he is innocent without admitting to killing Lummis.

This is the third episode I've seen of the series, and every one is a crackerjack tale with a nice twist at the end. Well worth seeking out if you can find them.
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