The Paper Chase: Billy Pierce (1984)
Season 2, Episode 19
Hey...that's Lynn Swann
9 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers

This is a very unusual episode of "The Paper Chase" because it featured a very unusual guest star--the famous pro football player, Lynn Swann (who made a HUGE name for himself with the Steelers back in the 1970s). Not surprisingly, he played an NFL star who was admitted to the graduate school following his sports career-- possible, though not necessarily likely. However, another 70s football star, Alan Page, apparently did the same thing in real life--so it isn't without precedent.

Like many episodes of the show, apparently a big NFL star, Billy Pierce (Swann) is a first-year student...though you never saw him in any episodes until this one! Well, being an ex-star, a lot of students (one in particular) want to be his friend. However, the limits of the friendship are tested when one guy is such 'good friends' with Billy that he appears to have helped him cheat on Kingsfield's mid-term exam. But he isn't sure--and isn't sure what he should do.

I think the most interesting thing about this episode is that it was NOT all neatly wrapped up in the end. Someone cheated and you think you know who did it but nothing, apparently, comes of it--much like in real life. Worth seeing.
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