The Paper Chase: Burden of Proof (1984)
Season 2, Episode 11
Why was this so difficult for the law students to understand?!
9 October 2014
Hart is, as usual, being an over-achiever. In addition to his studies and Law Review, he's taken on a volunteer position with the local public defender's office. In this capacity, he is to investigate cases and determine if any rights of his clients have been violated. However, this becomes a problem for Hart and some of the graduate students when one of the men Hart is representing is accused of mugging Kingsfield. I found this episode a bit hard to believe. After all, these students are LAW STUDENTS---so the concept of ensuring that a client's rights have not been violated should be understood and accepted by all. However, some of the students behave as if Hart is Satan for working for the accused creep. But isn't this the job of a defense attorney...and isn't this a law school?! I really think the conflict is way overdone in this show and think Hart's troubled soul is also difficult to understand. After all, it isn't personal, it is the law. Additionally, I was surprised that the first-year students weren't HAPPY that grumpy old Kingsfield got beaten up! Pedestrian in its writing.
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