Nice Horror\comedy little movie
8 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is really nice, especially for a Swiss movie. It's a comedy, horror and I did enjoy it.

I saw the movie at the television (RSI), dubbed in Italian. When I searched for the DVD the only language available was German. No French, English or Italian subtitles. Even if the Italian dub exist they decide that others language weren't necessary, like in a lot of other Swiss movie on DVD.

The thing that makes me mad is that we are a 4 national language Country but seems that even Swiss people don't care at all about it.

I will love to support this little movie buy buying the DVD but I don't speak German, like a lot of Swiss people and most of the rest of the world. This is just a stupid businesses move: instead of trying to promote the movie in the majority of languages and Country as possible they just release the DVD in one language (keep i mind that subtitles and other languages dub already exist for this movie!!!!).

Any way, the movie is nice, unfortunately if you don't speak German you have to find a non legit copy around the net.
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