Review of O21

O21 (2014)
Trend Setter
7 October 2014
This movie is awesome. Congratulations Jaami, Shaan and crew. you guys have done a great job with a trend setter movie for the revival of Pakistani cinema. now everybody is finger crossed on box office matter. It cost you 10 crore, I am telling you get ready to be doubled. Competing Bang Bang is not Kidd thing. Look at your reviews and your ranking. You are going above 8. So keep making films like that, Keep making Pakistan proud, keep helping Pakistani film industry with your creativity and innovation. say bye bye to Indian movies and we'll develop our own proud Lolly wood. SHAAN has become symbol of Pakistani film industry. he said be Pakistani and buy Pakistani.He has got what he was waiting for. In addition to that, there are some cinemas which are unfortunately showing only Bang Bang instead of NMA and o21. This needs to be changed.Anyhow keep rocking and keep working on this cause Good Luck
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