Our Father (III) (2014)
Compelling Drama
3 October 2014
In the short film "Our Father," writer/director/producer Linda Palmer tackles such daunting subjects as dementia, caregiving, estranged families, and abuse. The film's cast includes Michael Gross (Family Ties, Tremors), Michael Worth (God's Ears), Eileen Grubba (Bones, Five Year Engagement), and David Topp (The Box). The emotionally driven script takes place almost entirely in a bathroom, requiring some pretty creative solutions in awfully cramped quarters from the cast and crew. All of the actors are superb, even in the smallest roles, but it is the two leads - father and son, patient and caregiver - who carry the bulk of the dialogue and are put through the emotional wringer of a relationship that is volatile in the best of times. Michael Gross embodies "John," a man suffering from dementia, with an honesty that is not tripped up by any actor ego. His character is at turns infantile, violent, passive, ugly, terrified, and terrifying. And wholeheartedly believable, as anyone who has ever been a caregiver to a family member with dementia can attest to. Michael Worth is "Jared," the dutiful son who is in way over his head with his father's mental and physical situation. His character is at once duty-bound, exhausted, angry, lost, frightened, and spent, with every nuance of those emotions registering on his face. The film, based on a true story, expertly captures the reality of dealing with keeping a medically deteriorating family member at home at all costs and handles the subject with respect and honesty. If you get a chance to see this short film, I highly recommend it.
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