The Guys (2002)
Beautiful Movie
3 October 2014
Beautifully written with 2 superb actors.This movie was adapted from a stage play by Anne Nelson Sigourney Weaver and Anthony LaPaglia play their parts very well and manage to convey the emotions of those who were affected and involved in both the tragedy of 9/11 as well as the aftermath. The Guys is a story of a fire captain (Anthony LaPaglia) who lost eight of his men in the collapse of the World Trade Center on September 11th and the editor (Sigourney Weaver) whom he goes to for help with preparing the eulogies he must give. This movie will not only give you a real understanding of what happened that day as seen through the eyes of a fireman but it will also give you an understanding of how close knit the men of the FDNY really are to one another and how despite all of the chaos of that day they managed to pull themselves through and still pay respects to their lost brothers with dignity, love and respect.
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