The Hunted (2013)
"I can't believe how slow it is out here"
30 September 2014
This movie can be summed up with the above line which Josh Stewart says himself in the movie - something to the extent of "I can't believe how slow it is". How meta.

Anyway, I had high expectations from Arkin of The Collector, especially considering how this is billed as "from the producers of the collection/collector". I quite liked both of those, despite their high level of implausibility, however, Arkin's directorial debut could not be less like either of those films. Basically The Hunted has two guys that go out into the woods to film a hunting documentary and...that's it. That's seriously 99% of the movie, the other 1% being comprised of random shrieking in the woods (sadly, the characters interact with the shrieking thing for a whopping 1-2 minutes max out). Nothing substantial ever happens, and any moments of suspense (where the ominous music starts to play...even though it's supposed to be found footage...) end all too quickly without any actual punch. There are SO MANY spots where they could have utilized this suspense brilliantly, but they drop the ball every time. I guess this is like Paranormal Activity in the woods except that even less happens, if that is actually possible - perhaps more like it wants to be Blair Witch, except 14 years too late. It's a real shame too because everything about this movie had potential. The film/camera work/"found footage" style and sound are good; the acting, while mediocre at best, was passable for this type of movie; and the setting & concept were solid.

There really isn't much else to say because NOTHING happens. Avoid unless you like really slow, soporific movies that show and explain nothing, or half baked hunting documentaries.
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