The Moo Man (2013)
great picture of modern farming
11 September 2014
Of course it doesn't go into all the details of farm life in Britain today, a lot more could be said about how farmers are at the mercy of supermarkets, how the abolition of the milk marketing board was a disaster for dairy farmers, just to increase the profits and power for big business, much as it has in all aspects of modern life - a more balanced argument could made in regard to bovine TB and all the other things we never really consider when pouring out the white stuff over cornflakes; but all in all a great film - no major storyline, action or revelations, just a great way to lose a few hours, and may make you think about what goes into your daily pint.

And as someone from farming stock myself, 'raw' milk - nothing tastes as good - buy (direct from the farmer) whenever you get a chance!
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