Supernatural: Alex Annie Alexis Ann (2014)
Season 9, Episode 19
My brain! my eyes!
19 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The head vampire said to a "turned" girl (who was turned just by sipping some vamp blood) that soon she will lose her "human feelings" as if vampires are not human... ever herd about a vampire dog? not very common but does sure not seem too impossible... meaning a "vampire" means a vampire human... the worst is the fact that these "emotionless" vampires feel feelings like anger, sadness, need of belonging and especially grief meaning that they have feelings and "human feelings" actually means morals, as "i don't care about the innocent anymore" meaning that this show claims that once you become a vampire you lose all kind of morals you have, which is very stupid... not just that it does not make any sense at all, it's also stupid writing wise as vampires cannot look more boring than that. it makes them all the same, robots, with no morals and no personal goals. as if a person cannot become a vampire, and with a lot of self work become a better vampire have some personality, and use his abilities the way he desire but in this show it's important that something interesting like that wont happen... otherwise this show wont be so obliviously boring. and we can't lose that...

On many cases "still better story than twilight" will apply... but this one has it the other way around. twilight is (and I'm saying this about to puke in my mouth) is more Gothic, and have more (burp) personality than that. this was probably the worst.. thing.. I've seen about vampires.

Even worst you have once again the two "hunter" brothers being racist once more killing others just for what they are... and then the show somehow explains to us how their racism is correct... making everything once more meaningless and boring (everyone are inexplicably evil, die without any impressive fight or any at all, hunters win and snooze up how "good" they are) as the enemies are all the time some kind of a human... just with some "special" idiotic feature that they seem to assume grants them rights to murder them for (and the feature is idiotic because it DOES NOT make them any different) like this human with sharp teeth, human with black eyes, human with a lot of talking about how he is an "angel" but can't do anything not even the eye thing the "demons" can, and so many more like that they are all humans... they cannot do anything a human can't... except for some tiny telekinesis once every 17 episodes they cannot move fast, not fly, not use spiritual energy in any way, can't jump high, can't dodge fast, can't sense their surroundings, can't use any elemental power, can't slow time, can't read minds, can't transform into anything, they can't even defend themselves with some kind of energy field or skin or even just block or give any worth looking at of a fight they are nothing but fat useless humans who talk a lot. they can do one thing which is teleport, but not in any cool way, just appear and disappear without any cool effects, no warping out of walls or raising from the ground just that "behind the camera" disappearing, and even with that it is not used in any way in battle... I mean, you can vanish from world to world in mil second but you just going to stand there when someone grabs/punch/stab you... best fighter ever! I'm seriously disappointed with humanity for the idiotic score this show has, but I guess I'll admit the main actors are good looking, so basically this score means that today woman think with their vagina instead of their heads.

This is an honest opinion after giving this show WAY more than enough chances to prove it wrong... if you do not agree with it just because you like Dean and Sam read 2 lines above. if you do think with your head and you like this... well I won't say anything there, if you do enjoy have fun, but a 8/10 is a joke... you have to agree here.
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