Fort Bowie (1958)
Potiphar's wife and Uriah the Hittite
16 September 2014
The west started to grow up in the Fifties and Fort Bowie was not the kind of film that would have been a Saturday matinée feature for the Gene and Roy crowd a decade earlier. It deals with sexual attention and suggested infidelity stuff that was not covered by those Republic cowboys in this United Artists release.

A pair of biblical stories served as plot devices for Fort Bowie. Jan Harrison is the bored wife of commander Kent Taylor and one day in a fit of pique like Potiphar's wife after Ben Johnson rejects her advances says that she and Johnson got it on. Taylor reacts like King David and sends Johnson on a Uriah the Hittite like mission to try and talk to Larry Chance as Vittorio leader of the Apaches to surrender peacefully.

Quite understandably Vittorio is in no mood to talk peace with any white men. An eager for promotion officer played by J. Ian Douglas massacred a bunch of Apaches who came in under a flag of truce. By sheer luck and rescue from an unexpected source Johnson escapes.

The climax of the film is a slam bang see saw battle for Fort Bowie is the highlight of the film and western fans who crave action will have no cause for complaint.

Color might have added something, but Fort Bowie is a western fans dream.
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