The Purge: Anarchy surpasses part 1 in every way but one...
15 September 2014
I enjoyed part one a lot. The concept was awesome and unnerving but the execution was poor. It was the awkward and laughable ending that kind of ruined it for me. It was so disappointing to experience such an ending after an entire movie with eerie visuals and an amazingly scary villain! That performance could be the most underrated acting jobs of 2013!

I walked into the theater completely in love with the concept but wanting a movie to do it justice. This time around there are 5 main characters with completely different back stories you're getting to know. The movie does an adequate job of presenting these characters and you will care enough about most of them to not want them to die.

Anarchy's biggest strength is its cinematography. Just like in the first one, you're confronted with some unsettling images of purgers and victims. You actually feel like your a part of the Purge. The suspense of the first one is back, though not as strong but still very unnerving.

And it's that which this movie nails! Giving the viewer an unnerving feeling. Only Snowpiercer (2013) nailed that feeling better than this one.

The enormous letdown of an ending in part one has been redeemed here! The Purge: Anarchy got a satisfying ending with all the needed twists and surprises.

The Purge: Anarchy surpasses part one in every way but one: a compelling villain with a prominent personality is missing! That snobby rich kid from The Purge part one, was portrayed so strong that you loved hating him! He was a demanding presence on screen and was the true protagonist of the film. And what made that ending so terrible was partly because of the end that befall the villain. The strong visuals and satisfying ending in The Purge: Anarchy redeem this lack of a villain.

In summary: a must watch!
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