House M.D.: Dying Changes Everything (2008)
Season 5, Episode 1
Dying changes everything, I am afraid it has
13 September 2014
This is exactly the episode that I was afraid of at the end of last season. I knew writers would resort to something like this, I wish they didn't. They could have done better. House became the culprit, blame games and the unnecessary focus on Wilson. It is horrible. They took the life out of this episode. Whatever house did was much more than a human could do. Was it his fault? Come on what were you guys thinking? You are making Wilson look like a selfish jerk and House like a insensitive, cold human. That is not the reality. I am really very angry after watching the ending. Season 5 got off to a terrible start. Absolutely pathetic start and went on the predictable lines. Very bad. Hope the next ones are not like this. 20% sentiment and 20% sadness is OK but you filled the bottle with 100% agony sucking the life completely. For those who didn't watch this episode. Watch it with thick skin. This episode will make you VERY ANGRY.
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