A Cody outing
5 September 2014
Realizing that The Reckless Buckaroo is from a poverty row outfit called Crescent Pictures, it's not an awfully terrible film. It does provide for an outing for father and son Bill Cody and Bill Cody, Jr. to work together.

A good deal of explanatory footage is cut from the beginning. It probably had the reason why young Cody's father was killed. The film opens with the senior Cody and the junior Cody at the grave of junior's father in the film declaring their new partnership.

The rest of the film concerns the Codys rescuing sheriff Ed Cassidy who was left in the desert when outlaws he was trailing turned on him.

From the beginning it's obvious that Cassidy has a crooked deputy in Roger Williams. That lascivious look he gives the sheriff's daughter Betty Mack would tell any western fans he's the bad guy.

In the end of course the Codys put everything right in true cowboy hero tradition.

Crescent Pictures didn't bother to give this film even any imaginary title credits. But this was a no frills job to the bone.

Still it has some entertainment value.
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