Infliction (II) (2014)
Awful from beginning to end
2 September 2014
I don't even know where to begin with this movie. I watched the trailer and expected this to be great, I was SO wrong!! This movie is awful in every sense of the word, it's obvious that the raving reviews here are written by people who are part of the cast or crew.

Judging by the trailer, this seems like an exciting and dark found footage movie, but there is nothing exciting about this. I was expecting a genius twist or some unexpected reason to why the boys went on a killing spree, but not even the reason filled my expectations. There's just nothing new here, I can't seem to find a single positive thing about this movie.

The acting is horrible, there's not one believable character in this movie and this is suppose to be found footage? Hah! What a joke. The movie drags on, they could have cut it down by 30 minutes without hurting the already miserable plot, and I must admit I was browsing the internet and checking my email while I suffered through the last part of this. Boring, boring, boring. I could care less how this ended, halfway through I wished for them all to die, disappear or simply quit, anything to not have to witness more awful "acting" from these people.

This actually my first review on IMDb, I felt the need to share a real opinion about this movie, since almost all the reviews so far seems to be fake. Save your time and money, this is a joke.

Did I mention it's not even a tiny bit scary? It's not, my puppy could've watching this without issues.
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