The Fosters: Someone's Little Sister (2014)
Season 2, Episode 10
Like with Switched at Birth's summer finale, things go so well until the final scene.
2 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In general I love ABC Family's programming. They show underrepresented teen groups like deaf kids; those who went through the foster system; those who are trans; are survivors of molestation, rape, physical or mental abuse, and all on one single Monday night. However, alongside these great stories are your usual soap opera drama moments which are the toll you pay for all these great, rarely fully told, stories. But sometimes the toll feels just a bit too costly and in this episode of The Fosters, I honestly felt that for all the progress we made, and despite how good the writing generally is, due to the need for just a little bit more drama, the show takes away so much progress.

Topic 1: He Has a Right To Be Angry – Jude, Stef, and Lena

During the camping trip, in which Lena was healing from losing Frankie, apparently Jude wasn't just taking in nature like his mom. Something, of which details aren't provided, happened between him and Connor on the trip in their tent. Something which Connor wants kept a secret and leads to you thinking that perhaps the two boys experimented. And, as you can imagine, Connor's dad learning that his son shared a tent with Jude is a real problem. For with him thinking Jude is gay, he doesn't want his boy around him, especially if they are to be unsupervised and alone. Though don't call him homophobic! For like most people when it comes those who are queer or trans, in my opinion, Connor's dad is all for them having equality, but god forbid their child ends up being one of them.

Leading to how Lena got involved. You see, with Jude having been in abusive situations where he felt unsafe to tell, he let Lena know Connor was hit for sharing a tent with him, leading to Lena meeting with Connor's dad. A meeting which triggers a lot of her pent up frustrations when it comes to prejudice. Unfortunately though, in her crusade against Connor's Dad, she uses the idea of him spreading rumors about Jude's sexuality as her call to action rather than Connor being hit. Leading to most adults involved thinking Lena is taking things a bit too far and personal. So with lack of support from the principal, and Stef thinking Lena wanted some type of control in her life, she quits her job.

Topic 2: Was I Not Enough? – Mariana, Jesus, Ana and Lena

Due to Ana wanting to make amends, and Mariana being curious about what she has to say, she blackmails Jesus, using his "Hayley" tattoo into going with her. Though, when all is said and done, it is hard to understand why she asked him to go. For, after Ana says her piece, she goes off on Ana and storms out. Thus leaving Jesus there and us discovering why he handles Hayley the way he does. You see, we learn that despite how Ana was as a mother, he would always forgive her, and take care of her whenever she came back. And I think, aside from being a bit of an enabler, there is this innate need for him to be a protector in his relationships. So whether it is protect a woman emotionally hurt, or crying, or protect her from harm like he did Lexi in season 1, he can't help but jump in.

But while Jesus seems fine after the situation, Mariana is not. Especially when it comes to her relationship with Lena. For while she isn't necessarily mad at her, she does bring up Lena's whole "DNA doesn't make a family" spiel. For with all that has happened with Ana, Mariana honestly wonders why Lena wanted a baby? And while it isn't gone into that Lena always wanted kids, and felt she needed someone biologically hers, she does her best to explain to Mariana her position. Leading to a scene in which Mariana, and her actress, seem to grow right before you. For with Mariana expressing how she didn't feel like she was enough and that despite Lena not have given birth to her, that doesn't mean that she would love her any less, or could even more, if she did give birth to her, it makes for such a tear jerking scene.

Topic 3: I Take Back Everything I Said – Callie & Brandon (Featuring The Quinns, Rita, and Lou)

Leaving us with what ruined the episode. You see, after lots of teasing and many missteps, Lou and Brandon finally get together! However, as always, Callie's drama becomes both an asset and a liability to the show. You see, the original focus of Callie's story this episode was her helping Rita revive Girls United by asking the Quinns to help. Something which seemingly went well. But with Rita noting how maybe Callie should build a relationship with her father and his family, it leads to us learning a few things. Such as Sophia cutting up the papers, because she probably needs Callie in ways we have yet to fully see; and then we learn that Robert, despite signing the papers once, feels incapable of signing them again. Which isn't a proclamation he is going to fight for Callie mind you, just that he feels incapable of signing them again. Thus leading to Callie blowing up on both of them and, since Wyatt isn't at the party, Brandon going to console her. Something which, leads Callie to realize how she has always fought for, or against, things she wasn't meant to have, and yet she hasn't really won much. Well, outside of Brandon. So, being that ABC Family probably contracts all series to have love triangles, Brandon and Callie kiss. Making us wonder how may this affect the relationships they have with Wyatt and Lou?
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